Early on in my career I stumbled upon what was, to me, an astonishing fact: there was little correlation between work performance and the rewards that came from it. I…
Today’s workplaces value the appearance of being productive rather than actual productivity. This seemingly nonsensical behaviour stems from the inability of many companies to accurately define performance metrics or other…
My fellow IT workers will likely be familiar with the non-standard hours our work can require us to keep. Since we’re an essential service any interruption means that other people…
There’s something of a mythology in the developer community around high performing employees who are seemingly able to output much more work than anyone else is in the same amount…
IT is one of the few services that all companies require to compete in today’s markets. IT support then is one of those rare industries where jobs are always around…
Imagine a social gathering, you’re familiar with most of the people there but not all of them so you’ve been engaging with some small talk so you don’t spend the…
One of the most common bits of career advice that I’ve been given is that you have to make yourself valuable to the company or organisation your working for. The…
I’m not a fan of the current norms for a working life. There just seems to be something so wrong about spending the best part of a day slaving away…
If I were to rewind back a couple years and ask my past self where I would be at today the answer would probably be something like “living overseas and…
As any engineer will tell you our brains are always working out the best path to accomplish something, even those problems that are far outside of our area of expertise….