Some games just speak to you. I am a 40 year old Dad of 2 and with that comes some things, some DLC if you will Whilst my condition hasn’t…
4 Articles
David Klemke
4 Min Read
I have this feeling that all gamers, at one point or another, have lusted after the dream of a fully destructible world: one where there’s absolutely no limits to the…
David Klemke
6 Min Read
You know, I’ve really missed driving games. I spent a great deal of my youth in seminal titles Gran Turismo and the early Need for Speeds, even playing some of…
David Klemke
5 Min Read
Trawling through the weekly releases can be something of an eye opener. There’s often a bevy of shovelware titles on there that I’m sure no one is proud of, a…
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