There’s a fine line you have to walk when looking into a game. On the one hand you want to know enough about it to make it worth your time…
nintendo switch
Even with all the numerous titles that were delayed due to COVID 2020 has still been a pretty amazing year for games. For me personally this has culminated in no…
Journey is an incredibly influential game; it’s concepts weaved throughout numerous titles who sought to emulate their ways and perhaps earn some similar levels of acclaim. Indeed the concept I’ve…
You know, I’ve really missed driving games. I spent a great deal of my youth in seminal titles Gran Turismo and the early Need for Speeds, even playing some of…
If you’ve been reading my game reviews for any length of time it’s probably quite clear that I have a few…types that I like. Of course there’s the usual mix…
You know how there’s always a few games or a series you missed when it came out and just never got around to playing? One of them for me was…
Thinking about my journey as a gamer it’s interesting to note how I’ve ebbed and flowed between being focused on single player experience and those enjoyed with others. To be…
My history with the Trine series is long, stretching all the way back to 2011. However it could have never happened at all as I missed the game when it…
One of my favourite games to play on my PlayStation Portable back in the day was Lumines. Something about the combination of pop hits with an easy to understand but…
At this point I don’t think this game really needs any introduction…however… I, like many innocent children, was the victim of a goose attack. Now the fact that I may…