There are two tiers of soulslike games: those made by FromSoftware and everyone else. Many have tried to recreate the essence of those games but, almost inevitably, they all fall…
nintendo switch
In college my teacher for the course of “Literature on the Internet” (which was still a weird thing back in 2001) asked us to perform a simple task: find her…
I’ve had (and still do, for reasons that’ll become self evident) an itch to play a good city builder for sometime. There’s been a few decent candidates that have been…
It has been fascinating to watch the medium of games evolve over the decades I’ve been able to experience them. From the early days where they were pure escapism, to…
The last few years have seen AAA titles tend in a few notable (and notorious) directions. The large investment of capital from the publishers and developers pushes them towards wanting…
If this is the first review of mine you’re reading (and I entirely blame you for that indiscretion, I’ve been reviewing games for over 10 years now!) then you might…
Indie developers have the unenviable task of balancing what precious resources they have to create the experience they want to deliver to their audiences. This often means that, when compared…
The Xbox Game Pass is doing its damned best to get me to subscribe to it. I’ve avoided it mostly because I already have the majority of the back catalogue…
Gotta admit, before playing Hades I wasn’t super into the isometric hack and slash styled games at all. In my head they were too close to the bullet hell genre…
Oh boy, this one is something. Looking back over Amanita Designs’ games over the years it kind of seems like they were building up to this point. Their trademark style…