We’ve noticed the trend that comes around every so often. You know the one where a game, ostensibly having been in Early Access for some time, finally goes to full…
You know, I’ve really missed driving games. I spent a great deal of my youth in seminal titles Gran Turismo and the early Need for Speeds, even playing some of…
Going into games with little to no expectations makes for some…surprising moments. Most of the time I know what kind of experience I’m in for but there are times when…
It’s that time of year again when the big name publishers start dumping title after title on us in an unrelenting wave until the end of the year. In the…
The one thing I’ve always hated about most Metroidvania games is when they show you something that you’re not able to access with your current abilities. Often this manifests extremely…
It’s rare these days to see concept pieces that have no ambition beyond simply existing. Most are at the very least teaser pieces designed to get you enticed into backing…
I have to admit to having an aversion to free to play games. Mostly its due to many of them resorting to questionable tactics to extort money from you, usually…
Sometimes I forget what drew me to a game. You see I maintain a list of games I’d like to review when they come out, saving me (sometimes) from having…
If you cycled back a decade or two the generally held definition of what constituted a game was fairly rigid. Today that definition is far less defined with the indie…
It’s only recently that chatbots have evolved to a state where they could be called truly conversational. In years prior they could really only respond to a line of text…