Anno has always been an interesting blend of different genres, enough so that I’ve spent a good deal of time in its last two instalments. When I heard that the…
There are some rules of thumb in game development that can help ensure a studio is successful. The first is once you’ve discovered a successful formula, whether that’s an original…
You can’t really call souls games an acquired taste as it’s not like you can train yourself to like them. No they have to speak to you on some level,…
It’s been 8 years since id released Rage and I think I speak for most gamers when I say we didn’t expect to see a sequel to it. At the…
Sometimes I just want to play something dumb. That’s partly the reason I keep playing Call of Duty; it’s the definition of “turn off your brain” kind of entertainment. But…
It’s been interesting to chart the course of The Division and Destiny as they’re both games I’ve played a lot of and each of them have had their own challenges…
Games built by students are, for the most part, completely terrible. Many of my friends went into game development courses and the games they developed as part of them were…
Transport Tycoon has a very special place in my heart. It started back when I was a young lad, the game likely coming to me from my father who’d got…
Steam’s recommendation engine, despite the unholy treasure trove of data they have on what everyone plays, is total arse. Even the new discover queue is a hit and miss affair;…
The one thing I’ve always hated about most Metroidvania games is when they show you something that you’re not able to access with your current abilities. Often this manifests extremely…