Since my side projects (including this blog) don’t really have any kind of revenue generation potential I tend to shy away from spending a lot on them, if I can…
If you’ve ever worked in a multi-tenant environment with shared resources you’ll know of the many pains that can come along with it. Resource sharing always ends up leading to…
If you’re a developer like me you’ve likely got a set of expectations about the way you handle data. Most likely they all have their roots in the object-oriented/relational paradigm…
As always I’m not-so-secretly working on a side project of mine (although I’ve kept it’s true nature a secret from most) which utilizes Windows Azure as the underlying platform. I’ve…
Windows Azure Tables are one of those newfangled NoSQL type databases that excels in storing giant swaths of structured data. For what they are they’re quite good as you can…
Like all industry terms theĀ definitionsĀ of what constitutes a cloud service have become somewhat loose as every vendor puts their own particular spin on it. Whilst many cloud products share a…
I’m a stickler for avoiding rework where I can, opting instead to make the most of what I already have before I set out on trying to rework something. You’d…