The current project I’m on has a requirement for being able to determine a server’s overall performance before and after a migration, mostly to make sure that it still functions…
It’s been almost 6 years since I first began writing this blog. If you dare to troll through the early archives there’s no doubt that the writing in there is…
When people ask me what one component on their PC they should upgrade my answer is always the same: get yourself a SSD. It’s not so much the raw performance…
There’s an expectation upon purchasing a console that it will remain current for a decent length of time, ostensibly long enough so that you feel that you got your money’s worth whilst…
If you’re a developer like me you’ve likely got a set of expectations about the way you handle data. Most likely they all have their roots in the object-oriented/relational paradigm…
Of all the PC upgrades that I’ve ever done in the past the one that’s most notably improved performance of my rig is, by a wide margin, installing a SSD….
Back when virtualization was just starting to make headway into the corporate IT market the main aim of the game was consolidation. Vast quantities of CPU, memory and disk resources…
Way back when I used to host this server myself on the end of my tenuous ADSL connection loading up the web site always felt like something of a gamble….
Like any technology geek real world performance of a component is the most important aspect for me when I’m looking to purchase new hardware. Everyone knows manufacturer’s can’t be trusted…
I’m always looking out for ways to improve my blog behind the scenes mostly because I’ve noticed that a lot more people visit when the page doesn’t take more than…