Just over a year ago today I started this blog as a part of a larger body of work to combat the lunacy that is the Internet filter. I thought…
I’m sure the regular readers of my blog know that I’m not the biggest fan of Senator Conroy, mostly because of his idiotic support of the Internet filter which I’m…
When the National Broadband Network was announced it was fairly obvious it was going to be a big stab to Telstra. Their monopoly on Australia’s copper line infrastructure was beneficial…
I’ve blogged numerous times before about the Internet Filter and it had been all quiet on this front up until this morning when I got wind of this: THE Rudd…
Another day, another multi-billion dollar proposal to stimulate the economy and conveniently distract everyone from the shambles of a proposal that was the Great Firewall of Australia. The newsbots are…
Well it comes of little suprise that the trial has been delayed until mid January, with no explanation (other than straight up incompetence). Source from the ABC: The Federal Opposition…