Whilst I haven’t had a real programming job in the better part of a decade I have continued coding in my spare time for various reasons. Initially it was just a means to an end, making my life as an IT admin easier, however it quickly grew past that as I aspired to be one of those startup founders Techcrunch idolizes. Once I got over that my programming exploits took on a more personal approach, the programs I built mostly for my own interest or fixing a problem. I recently dove back into one of my code bases (after having a brainwave of how it could have been done better) and, seeing nothing salvageable, decided to have a crack at it again. This time around however, with far less time on my hands to dedicate to it, I started looking for quicker ways of doing things. It was then I realised that for all the years I’ve been coding I had been suffering from Not Invented Here syndrome and that was likely why I found making progress so hard.


The notion behind Not Invented Here is that using external solutions, like in the case of programming things like frameworks or libraries, to solve your problems isn’t ideal. The reasoning that drives this is wide and varied but it often comes down to trust, not wanting to depend on others or the idea that solutions you create yourself are better. For the most part it’s a total fallacy as any one programmer cannot claim to the be the expert in all fields and using third party solutions is common practice worldwide. However, like I found, it can manifest itself in all sorts of subtle ways and it’s only after taking a step back that you can see its effects.

I have often steered clear of many frameworks and libraries mostly because I felt the learning curve for them would be far too steep. Indeed when I’ve looked at other people’s code that makes use of them I often couldn’t make sense of them due to the additional code libraries they had made use of and resided myself to recoding them from scratch. Sometimes I’d do a rudimentary search for something to see if there was an easy answer to my problem but often I’d just wrangle the native libraries into doing what I wanted. The end result of this was code that, whilst functional, was far more verbose than it needed to be. Then when I went back to look at it I found myself wondering why I did things in this way, and decided there had to be a better way.

Fast forward to today and the new version of the application I’ve been working on makes use of numerous frameworks that have made my progress so much faster. Whilst there’s a little bloat from some frameworks, I’m looking at you Google APIs, it’s in the form of dlls and not code I have to maintain. Indeed much of the code that I had to create for handling edge cases and other grubby tasks is now handled much better by code written by people far more experienced with the problem space than I will ever be. Thus I’ve spent far less time troubleshooting my own work and a lot more time making progress.

I have to attribute part of this to the NuGet package management system in Visual Studio which downloads, installs and resolves all dependencies for any framework you want to install. In the past such tasks would fall to the developer and would often mean chasing down various binaries, making sure you had the right versions and repeating the whole process when a new version was released. NuGet broke down that barrier, enabling me to experiment with various frameworks to meet my end goals. I know similar things to this have existed in the past however I really only begun to appreciate them recently.

There’s still a learning curve when adopting a framework, and indeed your choice of framework will mean some design decisions are made for you. However in the short time I’ve been working with things like HtmlAgilityPack and Json.NET have shown me that the time invested in learning them is far smaller than trying to do what they do myself. I’m sure this seems obvious to seasoned programmers out there but for me, who was working with the mentality that I just needed to get things done, it never occurred to me that my approach was completely wrong.

I guess where I’m going with all this is that should you find yourself attempting to solve a problem the first thing you need to do is see if its been solved by someone else first. Chances are they’ve gone through the pain you’re about to put yourself through and can save you from it. Sure you might not understand fully how they did it and they might not do it the way you wanted to but those things mean little if they save you time and emotional capital. I know for myself if I had to redo everything I did previously I would be no where near where I am today and likely would get no further.

About the Author

David Klemke

David is an avid gamer and technology enthusiast in Australia. He got his first taste for both of those passions when his father, a radio engineer from the University of Melbourne, gave him an old DOS box to play games on.

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